geo_loc_name qualifier vocabulary

The /geo_loc_name qualifier

The /geo_loc_name qualifier is used to indicate the geographic location of the collected sample.

The text below outlines the format and the present list of allowed countries

Qualifier /geo_loc_name=

Definition locality of isolation of the sequenced sample indicated in terms of political names for nations, oceans or seas, followed by regions and localities

Value format “<geo_loc_name>[:<region>][, <locality>]” where geographic location name (geo_loc_name) is any value from the controlled vocabulary


/geo_loc_name=”France:Cote d’Azur, Antibes”
/geo_loc_name=”Atlantic Ocean:Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone”

Comment Intended to provide a reference to the site where the source organism was isolated or sampled. Regions and localities should be indicated where possible. Note that the physical geography of the isolation or sampling site should be represented in

Country List to be included in Feature Table Definition Document
Authority: INSDC
Contact: NCBI
Scope: /geo_loc_name=””

Geographical Location List

Based on information from: and

Historical geo_loc_names

Revised July 08, 2024