Global Participation

To achieve its mission and vision, INSDC is establishing and implementing a plan that incorporates new Members. Diversifying participation through new membership will advance open science and data sharing and, in turn, drive innovation.

INSDC aims to:

❖ expand its membership to include regional collaborators and/or organisations representing all continents covering all organisms and all environments

❖ ensure its operation reflects emerging trends in scientific discovery and societal needs for the benefits that result from sequencing information

❖ build equitable systems that enable the global benefit from sequence information

❖ ensure that diverse perspectives of genetic sequence generators and managing repositories are reflected in its operations

Global participation

To formalise the INSDC collaboration and to foster new membership, the INSDC developed a Founders Arrangement and a  Membership Arrangement.

Membership requirements

INSDC Members are required to demonstrate appropriate capacity, commitment, and activity in areas such as governance, technical infrastructure, data operations, and communications and engagement as described in the Membership Acceptance and Performance Guidelines.