This page contains the current definition, format and controlled vocabularly for mol_type qualifier.
The page has been created on Ocober 9, 2013.
Qualifier: /mol_type=
Definition: in vivo molecule type of sequence
Value format: “genomic DNA”, “genomic RNA”, “mRNA”, “tRNA”, “rRNA”, “other RNA”, “other DNA”, “transcribed RNA”, “viral cRNA”, “unassigned DNA”, “unassigned RNA”
Example: /mol_type=”genomic DNA”
Comment: all values refer to the in vivo or synthetic molecule for primary entries and the
hypothetical molecule in Third Party Data entries;
the value “genomic DNA” does not imply that the molecule is nuclear (e.g. organelle and
plasmid DNA should be described using “genomic DNA”); ribosomal RNA genes should be described
using “genomic DNA”; “rRNA” should only be used if the ribosomal RNA molecule itself has been sequenced;
/mol_type is mandatory on every source feature key; all /mol_type values within one entry/record must be
the same; values “other RNA” and “other DNA” should be applied to synthetic molecules, values
“unassigned DNA”, “unassigned RNA” should be applied where in vivo molecule is unknown.