------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Journal Editors: The members of the International Advisory Committee (IAC) to the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC), known as INSD (DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank), express their appreciation for the many years of successful collaboration between the INSD and the scientific journals. By requiring that submission of DNA sequence data to the INSD as a strict condition for the acceptance of a paper for publication has been the key to the success of the INSDC and enabled its critical role in biological research. At the last IAC meeting, in May 2005, we learned that some nucleotide sequences have appeared in published papers without proper accession numbers, and could not be found in the INSDC databases. Since the free and prompt access to published DNA sequence data through the INSDC databases is essential to the growth of science, we, the members of the IAC to the INSDC, and INSDC hereby send another request to all the journal editors to press authors to deposit any nucleotide sequence in their manuscript to one of the International Nucleotide Sequence Databases (DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank), and to include proper accession numbers upon publication. Furthermore, it would be extremely helpful to researchers if the submission of that DNA also included a specific statement within the database record indicating how readers might obtain a sample of the DNA from which the sequence was reported. This could be simply a culture collection identifier for an organism or a specific individual, with contact information, who could deal with requests. INSDC has prepared a common web-site (http://www.insdc.org/) from which the attached policy statement and other submittal instructions can be retrieved. International INSDC Advisory Committee Signed by: Antoine Danchin, Institut Pasteur, Paris Asao Fujiyama, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo Ken-ichi Matsubara, DNA Chip Research Inc., Yokohama Richard Roberts, New England Biolabs, Beverly, MA Sumio Sugano, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo Jean Weissenbach, Genoscope, Evry ----------------------------------------------------------------------------